by Dr. Marli Botha

Whole apples are an extremely healthy food, but apple juice has its advantages as well. When apples are turned into juice, their hydrating quality is maximized, and some plant compounds are retained. However, drinking juice reduces some of the benefits of whole apples, including fibre and satiety…

  • In a study of mildly dehydrated children with diarrhoea and vomiting, those offered diluted apple juice were 6.5% less likely to need fluids delivered via their veins. Diluted apple juice is a practical and pleasant alternative for kids, as well as adults. Be sure to drink diluted juice to rehydrate, as the high sugar content of full-strength juice can draw excess water into your gut and worsen diarrhoea — particularly during recovery from illness. (
  • Apple juice contains plant compounds called polyphenols, which may help protect your cells from disease-promoting oxidative stress and inflammation. Cloudy juice with pulp is higher in polyphenols than clear juice.
  • Animal studies observe that apple juice may help protect memory and other aspects of brain health in aging. Preliminary human research suggests that it may improve behaviour and mental health in Alzheimer’s disease. (
  • Apple juice has a very gentle laxative effect. It’s often recommended for children who have constipation because it has a relatively high ratio of fructose to glucose and sorbitol content. But for this reason, it may also cause intestinal discomfort in large doses. You might think that eating applesauce would help constipation, but that’s not the case. Apple sauce contains a higher level of pectin than apple juice. Pectin is a substance that will add bulk to your stool. It becomes firmer and more difficult to pass, making it a better choice after episodes of diarrhoea.
  • Due to its high calorie content, be sure to enjoy this juice in moderation.



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