Magalies Launches Brand New Commercial on Social Media

by Herman du Preez

Great excitement ruled when the brand new Magalies Commercial was launched on 11 October 2016 on several social media platforms. A fancy “red carpet premier” was also held at Magalies’ head-office on 6 October 2016 where employees and a few other special guests had the privilege to view the commercial before the rest of the public.

This world-class commercial was produced by the very talented Rinus Viljoen and his formidable team from Wrap Your Brand. He was assisted by the experienced drone team of FC Hamman Films, who is internationally known and recognised for directing top South African movies like “Angus Buchan’s Ordinary People”. Famous South African actor, Chris de Clerq, plays an outstanding role as the main character.

The commercial takes you on an emotional journey from childhood days to stressful adulthood, and stresses the importance of returning to your core roots, to the arms of mother-nature, and to your care-free self, when you get caught up in the everyday challenges of life. It sends a strong and powerful message that stretches way beyond the borders of products and business…!

The commercial was launched on Magalies’ brand new social media platforms on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn, and was also placed on our website’s homepage, for everybody’s viewing pleasure! In less than three weeks the commercial has already been viewed more than 80,000 times, received more than 500 likes, has been shared more than 200 times, and has created more than 4000 followers on our Facebook page. If you have not seen it yet, as well as behind the scenes footage and photos of the “red carpet event”, please visit any of these platforms (please use the social media links on our website for your convenience) to see what the BUZZZZZ is all about…! Also follow us on all these platforms to see all the super exciting stuff that is about to follow!

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