Beauty Benefits of Beetroot

by Dr. Marli Botha

That beetroot is high on the nutritional side is understood. However, the same vegetable, which is high in iron and vitamins, also finds multiple uses in your BEAUTY ROUTINE. From making your cheeks rosy to adding highlights to your hair; beetroots play a major role as a recipe to your skin and hair care. So, let us have a look at the surprising beauty benefits this super-food has to offer…

  • Beetroot juice is an awesome asset for your hair. With the carbs, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins B and C, they all work at bringing better blood circulation to our scalp and hair while promoting stronger and healthier strands.
  • Beetroot juice also eliminates a dry and itchy scalp with its anti-pruritic properties. You can also mix ground coffee with beetroot juice and apply on your hair to condition and colour it naturally. Its enzymatic properties destroy excessive dead cells and dry conditions of the scalp while also moisturizing the scalp at the same time.
  • Dark and dry lips are a common beauty problem. If you want to get your natural pink and soft lips back, trust beetroot. Make your own lip balm by combining beetroot juice with equal parts beeswax. Put it into a small glass jar and apply it with your fingertip.
  • Beetroot juice soothes the pain of mild sunburn by helping skin retain its moisture. Use equal parts Beetroot juice and water in a tight-lidded container. Shake well, then apply to mild sunburn. Shake the mixture often during application to keep it from separating.
  • Make a foot scrub of equal parts Beetroot juice and honey, a third part sugar and a dash of lemon juice. Soak your feet in warm water, then massage the moisture into them. Follow up by moisturizing your feet and hands with a well-shaken water and Beetroot juice emulsion.
  • If you are suffering from acne, mix two spoons of fresh beetroot juice with plain yogurt and apply on the affected area. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it. Best do it at night because the beetroot might stain your complexion if you are very fair. It dries up acne, without leaving the scars.


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